I’m a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Research in Image Acquisition and Processing for Health - CREATIS, at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (Lyon, France). My postdoc is funded by National Institutes of Health - NIH and focussed on data science for quantitative acoustic microscopy.
I received the BSc and MSc degrees in Mathematics from the University of Havana (Havana, Cuba). I obtained my Ph.D. in Signal Processing from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (Toulouse, France) in 2022.
My thesis “Bayesian Estimation of the Parameters of the Joint Multifractal Spectrum of Signals and Images” was supervised by Jean-Yves Tourneret and Herwig Wendt at Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse - IRIT at the University of Toulouse. A copy of it can be found here.
Download my resumé (updated on 01/2025).
[12/2024] EURASIP Academy Member. I am delighted to announce that I’ve been accepted as an Academy Member in the EURASIP Academy, a global initiative dedicated to supporting early-career researchers in the signal processing community.
[05/2023] New Journal Paper. Thrilled to share that our paper, Bounds for the Estimation of Matrix-Valued Parameters of a Gaussian Random Process co-authored with H. Wendt and J.-Y. Tourneret, has been accepted for publication in Signal Processing.
[03/2023] New Position. I have joined the ULTIM team at the CREATIS lab as a postdoctoral researcher, focusing on data science for quantitative acoustic microscopy.
[06/2022] New Journal Paper. Thrilled to share that our paper, A Bayesian framework for multivariate multifractal analysis co-authored with H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, and P. Abry, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
[09/2018] CARMIN-IHP-CIMPA Fellowship. Honored to have received a fellowship from CIMPA to participate in research program “The mathematics of imaging” from Jan. to Apr. 2019 at IHP in Paris, France.
PhD in Signal and Image processing, 2022
National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse
MSc in Mathematics - Numerical Analysis, 2019
University of Havana
BSc in Mathematics, 2016
University of Havana